Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What We Eat Matters to God!

The greatest gift ever is the salvation Jesus Christ gave me when I surrendered my life to Him. I give him praise daily that I will be with Him forever. So what does eating food have to do with this salvation. Well, the simple answer is everything. Now before you decide to bail on me at least hear me out.

Tragically we have taken our new found freedom in Christ and have used it to mean that God does not care how we live our lives. We have forsaken solid Old Testament scripture as well as twisted Jesus words to mean that we are free to eat whatever we want. Certainly most believers would agree that the abuse of alcohol and cigarette smoking as well as certain drugs are things Christians should stay away from and have no part of it. Why do we believe this? We believe this because we know that it is destructive to the body. We believe this because we know that our bodies are the very temple of God.(1Cor. 6:19). These substances abuse our bodies. They do not bring glory to God.

For most of my adult life I have believed that it did not matter what I ate. I believed the lie that disease was merely a matter of chance not necessarily the things I did. As a result of this faulty thinking I began to destroy the very temple of God. Not only was I destroying His temple but my lifestyle was hindering me from doing the things God had planned for me. My eating and lack of exercising was taking years off my life and making me a sluggard which hindered my service to God. How sad that many lives are taken many years early because of their lifestyle of bad eating. How many strokes and how much cancer could have been prevented if we would have followed God's wisdom concerning health.

Their was a time I believed that going to church was sacred and everything else was secular. How wrong I have been in my thinking. Everything we do is sacred to God. We are God's Holy temple and His temple is sacred. All areas of our lives belong to Him. We do not follow certain laws because we will be condemned or judged as believers but we follow them and obey them because we know it is pleasing to our father in heaven. What we eat does matter to God! God wants our temples to be used for his glory. We may still faces certain illnesses because we live in a fallen World but many more would be avoided if we simply decided today that we will glorify God with our bodies. Imagine the work that could be done for the kingdom by healthy believers who had the strength and vitality to win the World for Christ because their bodies were not slaves to this World but were empowered by the master of the universe. Why not make today the day that you decide to glorify God with your body. Ask him to help you to make the changes you need to live a healthy life. If you do so you will not only feel better but you will make your heavenly father pleased because you are taking care of one of his prized possesions. Your body-His temple.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Coke: Does a body Bad

Hey here is something which might interest you about drinking a coke.

What Happens to Your Body Within an Hour of Drinking a Coke

soda, soda pop, coca cola, coke, soft drinks, physical effects of drinking coke

Within the first 10 minutes, 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. This is 100 percent of your recommended daily intake, and the only reason you don’t vomit as a result of the overwhelming sweetness is because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor.

Within 20 minutes, your blood sugar spikes, and your liver responds to the resulting insulin burst by turning massive amounts of sugar into fat.

Within 40 minutes, caffeine absorption is complete; your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, and your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream.

Around 45 minutes, your body increases dopamine production, which stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain – a physically identical response to that of heroin, by the way.

After 60 minutes, you’ll start to have a sugar crash.